The winner of our fourth draw is Ibiza!
This was extra special as Bárbara met Toa when they were still a little baby and creating
this beautiful memory for them was incredible!
"My breastfeeding journey is definitely more ours than just mine. Ours because Toa played a massive part in it. He is a resilient - not so little - boy that kept on looking for me in search of connection.
Born out an emergency cesarean after a long labor, it took me a couple of hours before I got to see him for the first time in person, one of those twists of faith life enjoys when I was so certain of the type of birth I was meant to have.
I was also certain that despite of my risk factors - with a breast reduction at a very young age - that breastfeeding would come naturally and quite seamlessly for me. I was nothing but prepared - I thought. I studied and studied, found myself surrounded by the best professionals and successful pairs of babies and mummas.
And natural it felt, he latched, he nursed, he latched and he nursed. Reality hit like a brick when, despite everything, Toa wouldn’t put on any weight even though he would feed and feed and feed and feed.
With all the help I could find, I found new ways to feed him a bit more. I managed to get him both the calories he needed and the love and respect he deserved. We did it all at the breast.
We had our bumps along the way, a few cracked nipples, a few clogged ducts… we had to supplement his feeds with formula which brought me a lot to grief but most of all, we had countless moments of silence and conversation, smiles with that tiny tongue sticking of the side of his mouth, delicate hands that searched for my skin or buttons to analyze and immense exchange.
I thought of giving up many times along the way but one thing I knew for sure - together we could create a story that was just ours. We had each other. We still have each other. Twenty months later I can say that I have loved - almost - every minute of it. I wouldn’t change it for the world 💜 "
Writen by Ibiza Bolonini
Posted on Instagram @barbaracrepaldiphoto on May 24, 2024.

≫ These images are part of the “Breastfeeding Moment” project by photographer Barbara Crepaldi, with the support of doula Marcela Rios. The goal of this project is to share valuable information and create beautiful memories for the featured mothers. Every two months, Barbara Crepaldi Photography will host a raffle for subscribed women. The winner will receive a studio breastfeeding shoot, and her photos and story will be featured on Instagram and here. For more information on how to participate, please visit the instagram page @BarbaraCrepaldiPhoto.